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Prayer Chaplains

Head Prayer Chaplains

Monika John
Monika 2019.jpg
Judy Chandler
Judy Chandler (2).jpg

 Prayer Chaplains

Susan Fabro
Tim Ekert
Lucy Kroeker
Shawn Sharkey
Susan Fabro.jpg
Tim Ekert.png
Lucy Kroeker.jpg
Shawn Sharkey.jpg
Mariette Jones
Mariette pic.jpg

Unity Prayer Chaplains are available for one-on-one prayer with our congregants after the Sunday morning service.


Our Prayer Chaplains are volunteers who receive extensive training in affirmative prayer and holding a sacred space. All prayers are kept in strict confidence.


The Unity approach to prayer is affirmative, based on positive prayers and affirmations that have universal, interfaith appeal.


Affirmative prayer is the highest form of creative thought. It includes the release of counterproductive, negative thoughts, as well as holding in mind statements of spiritual truth.


Through meditation, we experience the presence of God. Prayer and meditation heighten our awareness and thereby transform our lives.

Prayer Requests

There are several ways to submit a prayer request.

1. Prayer Box in the USCW Chapel

2. Call or Email your request to our office

3. You may request a call from Rev. David or one of our Prayer Chaplains.

4. Contact Silent Unity for 24/7 personal prayer support.

Silent Unity, our telephone and online prayer ministry, is available 24/7 ready to offer you free confidential prayer support whenever you want it.

Call: 1-800-NOW-PRAY (1-800-669-7729)


​Write: Silent Unity, 1901 NW Blue Parkway, Unity Village, MO 64065-0001

submit a prayer request online






Chapel Entrance & Parking

3640 Wells Street

Windsor, ON N9C1T9

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Classes , Seminars, Workshops and Drumming Circle please use the back entrance off College Ave. Lot C.  Look for the Unity sign above the archway entrance at the back end of the parking lot.

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©2022 by Unity Spiritual Centre Windsor. 

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