Minister's Corner

Reverend David Old, MDiv.
Senior Minister
Devanni Peters
USCW Board President
Mariette Jones, LUT
Licensed Unity Teacher
Dear Unity Family,
As we step into a new week, I am excited to delve into the transformative power of thought during our upcoming Sunday service when we will continue our Back to the Basics talk series with our focus on Unity's Third Principle: "We create our life experiences by the thoughts and feelings that we hold in mind." This principle reminds us that our inner world profoundly shapes our outer reality.
Charles Fillmore, co-founder of Unity, wisely said, "Thoughts are forces. Each thought is a cause and every condition an effect." This highlights the immense power of our thoughts to shape our experiences and reality. By consciously directing our thoughts, we have the power to create a life of harmony, abundance, and joy.
Eric Butterworth, another esteemed Unity minister, beautifully stated, "The Creative Process is an eternal chain: Thought – Word – Action. Everything begins in mind, and our consciousness shapes the events and circumstances of our lives." This reinforces the idea that our thoughts are the seeds from which our actions and realities grow.
As we explore these profound teachings, I am reminded of the insightful words of Henry Ford: "Whether you believe you can or can't, either way, you are right." This powerful statement underscores the importance of our beliefs and attitudes. Our thoughts and beliefs set the stage for our successes and challenges.
In the spirit of these teachings, I encourage you to reflect on the thoughts and feelings you hold in mind. Are they aligned with the life you wish to create? Are they nurturing and empowering? As we gather this Sunday, let us commit to cultivating positive, uplifting thoughts that align with our highest potential.
I am grateful for the opportunity to serve as your minister and to walk this spiritual path with you. Your dedication, support, and love continue to inspire me. Together, we are creating a vibrant and thriving spiritual community.
Rich blessings and much love,
Rev. David